Patient Ambassadors

Destany A.

Destany A.

Destany, a varisty cheerleader at 16 years old, was at the top of a pyramid when it unexpectedly collapsed. She endured a severe concussion, spinal shock, and was unable to

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Arredondo Twins

Marceline and Phoebe A.

Marceline and Phoebe were born at 23-weeks-gestation at CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Hospital – New Braunfels. The twins both weighed just a little over one pound each and were extremely frail.

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Holly and Heather

Holly and Heather C.

Holly and Heather were born severely premature, weighing just one pound, 10 ounces, and two pounds, respectively. The identical twins were rushed to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at

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Marc D.

Marc D.

In October 2016, 18-year-old Marc had an infected hair follicle and his mom knew something was not right. After several tests and hospital visits, Marc was referred to specialists at

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Camilla G.

Camilla G.

Camilla was born with Trisomy 21 – Down Syndrome and had two holes in her heart. She underwent emergency life-saving surgery. Camilla’s mom, Jennifer, had fundraised for Children’s Miracle Network

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Violet G.

Violet G.

When 12-year-old Violet started losing weight, experiencing mild panic attacks, and losing color in her skin, her parents sought help from her pediatrician. After running labs on multiple occasions, results

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Maddie K.

Maddie K.

In December 2016, Maddie went in for a routine pediatric check-up where her pediatrician noted she was underweight. At four months old, Maddie weighed only nine pounds, when her expected

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Emmalee M.

Emmalee M.

Emmalee was born with a cleft lip and nasal deformity, a partial left palate, and a hemangioma on her right eyelid. Her cleft lip was causing Emmalee to have difficulty

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Maritza M.

Maritza M.

Maritza is Emmalee’s biological little sister, who was born exactly one year after Emmalee. Upon her birth, doctors noticed Maritza also had a cleft lip and nasal deformity, and a

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Taylor M.

Taylor M.

On September 11, 2019, Taylor experienced chest pains that resulted in a visit to her family doctor. She was diagnosed with Pleurisy, an inflammation of the tissue around her lung.

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