Rose was diagnosed with an extremely rare perianal rhabdomyosarcoma, a malignant tumor in the muscle tissue around the anus. Although there are approximately 450 rhabdomyosarcoma diagnoses each year, the location of Rose’s cancer was unusual and rare. The mass was surgically removed immediately. A team of physicians, nurses, Child Life specialists, and Associates throughout the hospital worked together to provide the best comprehensive care for Rose’s treatment plan. She went home after surgery with a few small stitches and an implanted port for future chemotherapy treatments. Rose underwent several months of chemo and brought so much joy to her physicians. Rose was declared cancer-free in September 2018 and is still in remission today. She has a larger-than-life personality and wants to be a movie when she grows up. Rose loves being around her friends, classmates, and teachers. Her favorite subject is reading, and she enjoys playing with her pets and tending to her very own garden!

Rose V.