Put Your Money Where the Miracles Are

Put Your Money Where the Miracles AreMeet the newest spokesperson for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals: Jennifer Lopez, a mom and longtime supporter of children’s hospitals. Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, of which Children’s Hospital of San Antonio is a member, is kicking off a new campaign to bring awareness to the importance of donations to children’s hospitals.

At the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals funds treatment, research and health related programs. When you give to the Children’s Hospital of San Antonio, you help ensure that every child receives life-saving, world-class medical care they deserve, regardless if their parents cannot afford to pay.

Join her in supporting all we do for kids by getting your free #MiracleBand at http://mymiracleband.org.

To help support the campaign and Put Your Money Where the Miracles Are, make your online gift today at ChildrensHospitalSAFoundation.org.